'; if ( $thesc == "a" || $thesc == "b" ) { $x= $firstfulldayoffset+1; $xinc= $pixelsperday; $ylow= 23; $yhigh= 718; } if ( $thesc == "ace" ) { $x= 68; $xinc= 21.18; $ylow= 20; $yhigh= 780; } if ( $thesc == "wind" ) { $x= 110; $xinc= 21.333; $ylow= 23; $yhigh= 718; } for ( $i=cr2C( $thecr)+1; C2cr($i)==$thecr; $i+=1) { echo ''; } if ( ( $thecr >= 2155 ) && ( $thesc == "b" ) ) { echo '

Sorry, summary browse plots lost for STEREO-B for CR' . $thecr . ' and later but some CR Info will be available at the CR Info link below.'; } else { echo 'Sorry, summary browse plots not yet generated for CR' . $thecr . ' and later but some CR Info will be available at the CR Info link below.'; } ?>

STEREO IMPACT SEP Plots:'; echo ''; } else { if ( ( $thecr >= 2155 ) && ( $thesc == "b" ) ) { echo 'Sorry, STEREO-B IMPACT SEP Plots data lost for CR' . $thecr; } else { echo 'Sorry, STEREO IMPACT SEP Plots do not yet exist for CR' . $thecr; } } ?>

" > ">