stty: 'standard input': Inappropriate ioctl for device Mon Oct 30 12:02:22 PM PDT 2023 IDL 8.7.2 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2019, Harris Geospatial Solutions, Inc. Licensed for use by: UC Berkeley - Space Sciences Lab License: 946079 1 $MAIN$(0) : 0/2: 1 $MAIN$(0) : 0/2: 2 INIT_DEVICES(51) : DISPLAY environment variable is not set. Switching to Z device 1/2: 2 CWD(25) : Directory changed to: /disks/stereo/home/www/html/solarimgs/carr_rot % Compiled module: LIBS. % Error opening file. File: /home/peters/stereo/idl_test/sta_summ_plot_sep % Compiled module: TIMESPAN. % Compiled module: TIME_DOUBLE. % Compiled module: TIME_STRUCT. % Compiled module: TIME_PARSE. % Compiled module: DAY_TO_YEAR_DOY. % Compiled module: DOY_TO_MONTH_DATE. % Compiled module: UNDEFINED. % Compiled module: TIME_STRING. 2/2: 2 TIMESPAN(53) : Time range set from 2006-10-18/13:14:00 to 2006-11-14/20:27:00 % Compiled module: STB_SUMM_PLOT_SEP. % Compiled module: GET_TIMESPAN. % Compiled module: LOAD_STB_L1_SEPT. print_cdf_info,filenames(0) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /disks/socware/idl/general/CDF/obsolete/, Line 109 % Compiled module: LOADALLCDF. % Routine compiled from an obsolete library: LOADALLCDF allfiles.start= bartel_time(bartnum) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 86 % Compiled module: CDF_FILE_NAMES. % Compiled module: TIMERANGE. % Compiled module: SETFILEENV. Searching for files in: pathname=' /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/????/??/STB_L1_SEPT_*.cdf' The following files are either duplicate or earlier version files and should be deleted: /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090201_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090202_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090203_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090204_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090205_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090206_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090207_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090208_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090209_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090210_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090212_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090213_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090214_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090215_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090216_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090217_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090218_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090219_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090220_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090221_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090222_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090223_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090224_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090225_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090226_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090227_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/02/STB_L1_SEPT_20090228_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/03/STB_L1_SEPT_20090301_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/03/STB_L1_SEPT_20090302_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/03/STB_L1_SEPT_20090303_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/03/STB_L1_SEPT_20090304_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/03/STB_L1_SEPT_20090305_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/03/STB_L1_SEPT_20090306_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/03/STB_L1_SEPT_20090307_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/03/STB_L1_SEPT_20090308_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/03/STB_L1_SEPT_20090309_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/03/STB_L1_SEPT_20090310_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/03/STB_L1_SEPT_20090311_V05.cdf /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2009/03/STB_L1_SEPT_20090312_V05.cdf CDF_FILE_NAMES: 1 of 2872 Files found in 0.14996409 seconds cdf_file = cdf_files(num) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 47 vinq = cdf_varinq(id,cdf_vars(n)) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 73 if ndim gt 0 then dim=dim(w) else dim=0 ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 76 a = strpos(tagnames(n),'%') ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 97 aa = strpos(tagnames(n),'*') ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 98 b = strlen(tagnames(n)) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 100 oldname = tagnames(n) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 101 tagnames(n) = strmid(oldname,0,a)+'q'+strmid(oldname,a+1,b) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 102 b = strlen(tagnames(n)) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 105 oldname = tagnames(n) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 106 tagnames(n) = strmid(oldname,0,aa)+'x'+strmid(oldname,aa+1,b) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 107 str_element,/add,dat,tagnames(n),val ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 110 endif else dat = data0(0) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 116 vinq = cdf_varinq(id,cdf_vars(0)) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 118 cdf_control,id,variable=cdf_vars(0),get_var_info=varinfo,zvar=vinq.is_zvar ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 120 if cdf_attexists(id,'DEPEND_0',cdf_vars(0),zvar=vinq.is_zvar) then $ ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 128 cdf_attget,id,'DEPEND_0',cdf_vars(0),epochnum,zvar=vinq.is_zvar $ ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 129 if cdf_attexists(id,'DEPEND_0',cdf_vars(n),zvar=vinq.is_zvar) then $ ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 160 cdf_attget,id,'DEPEND_0',cdf_vars(n),thisepoch,zvar=vinq.is_zvar $ ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 161 if strpos(tagnames(n),'Epoch') ne -1 then thisepoch = tagnames(n) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 164 if strpos(tagnames(n),'Epoch') ne -1 then thisepoch = tagnames(n) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 164 loadcdf2,id,cdf_vars(n),x,/no_shift,nrecs=nrecs ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 166 if cdf_attexists(id,'FILLVAL',cdf_vars(n),zvar=vinq.is_zvar) then $ ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 167 cdf_attget,id,'FILLVAL',cdf_vars(n),fv,zvar=vinq.is_zvar ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 175 if fvcnt gt 0 then x(fvindx) = nan ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 177 str_element,/add,data,tagnames(n),x ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 180 print,'Variable '+cdf_vars(n)+' has different Epoch' ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 182 loadcdf2,id,novarnames(i),val ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 190 nvtag = novartags(i) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 192 loadcdf2,id,novarznames(i),val,/zvar ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 201 nvztag = novarztags(i) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 203 % Compiled module: LOADCDFSTR. % Compiled module: DATA_TYPE. % Routine compiled from an obsolete library: DATA_TYPE % Loaded DLM: CDF. Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2006/11/STB_L1_SEPT_20061114_V08.cdf % Compiled module: CDF_INFO. % Compiled module: CDF_VAR_ATTS. % Compiled module: ARRAY_UNION. % Compiled module: LOADCDF2. % Routine compiled from an obsolete library: LOADCDF2 % Compiled module: NDIMEN. dtype = data_type(d0,/struct) ^ % Routine compiled from an obsolete library: DATA_TYPE At: /disks/socware/idl/general/misc/, Line 5 if (dtype(i) ne 8) then begin ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /disks/socware/idl/general/misc/, Line 8 if avable(dtype(i)) then d0.(i) = !values.f_nan else d0.(i) = 0 ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /disks/socware/idl/general/misc/, Line 9 if avable(dtype(i)) then d0.(i) = !values.f_nan else d0.(i) = 0 ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /disks/socware/idl/general/misc/, Line 9 d = data(0) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /disks/socware/idl/general/misc/, Line 17 dtype = data_type(d,/struct) ^ % Routine compiled from an obsolete library: DATA_TYPE At: /disks/socware/idl/general/misc/, Line 18 if (dtype(i) ne 8) then begin ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /disks/socware/idl/general/misc/, Line 20 d = data(0) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /disks/socware/idl/general/misc/, Line 43 start = ind(0) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /disks/socware/idl/general/misc/, Line 46 ind = ind - ind(0) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /disks/socware/idl/general/misc/, Line 48 max = ind(n-1)+1 ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /disks/socware/idl/general/misc/, Line 50 d0 = data(0) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /disks/socware/idl/general/misc/, Line 51 if c eq 1 then d(i) = data(w) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /disks/socware/idl/general/misc/, Line 62 if c eq 1 then d(i) = data(w) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /disks/socware/idl/general/misc/, Line 62 if c gt 1 then d(i) = average_str_1(data(w),nan=nan,median=med) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /disks/socware/idl/general/misc/, Line 63 if c gt 1 then d(i) = average_str_1(data(w),nan=nan,median=med) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /disks/socware/idl/general/misc/, Line 63 % Compiled module: AVERAGE_STR. % Compiled module: AVERAGE. % Compiled module: DIMEN. % Compiled module: APPEND_ARRAY. CDF_FILE_NAMES: 1 of 2872 Files found in 0.0011019707 seconds Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sept/2006/11/STB_L1_SEPT_20061114_V08.cdf name = data_quants(index).name ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 131 dq = data_quants(index) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 156 if c ne 0 then data.y(bad) = !values.f_nan ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 187 if c ne 0 then data.y(bad) = !values.f_nan ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 192 data_quants(index) = dq ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 266 for i=0,n_elements(dqtags)-1 do if dqtags(i) ne 'TIME' then begin ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 267 subname ='.'+dqtags(i) ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 268 str_element,*dq.dh,dqtags(i),foo ^ % Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'. At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 269 % Compiled module: STORE_DATA. % Compiled module: TPLOT_QUANT__DEFINE. % Compiled module: PTR_EXTRACT. % Compiled module: EXTRACT_TAGS. % Compiled module: DIMEN1. % Compiled module: MINMAX. % Compiled module: FIND_HANDLE. % Compiled module: FILL_NAN. cdfnames=cdfnames,data=d,res =res, tplot_name='stb_sit' ^ % Routine compiled from an obsolete library: LOADALLCDF At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 39 % Compiled module: LOAD_STB_L1_SIT. Searching for files in: pathname=' /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/sit/????/??/STB_L1_SIT_*.cdf' CDF_FILE_NAMES: 0 of 2751 Files found in 0.85005498 seconds LOADALLCDF: No data files valid for given time range % LOAD_STB_L1_SIT: No STB SIT data during this time. cdfnames=cdfnames,data=d,res =res, tplot_name='stb_let' ^ % Routine compiled from an obsolete library: LOADALLCDF At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 39 % Compiled module: LOAD_STB_L1_LET. Searching for files in: pathname=' /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/let/????/??/STB_L1_LET_*.cdf' CDF_FILE_NAMES: 1 of 2863 Files found in 0.70377493 seconds Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/behind/let/2006/11/STB_L1_LET_20061114_V07.cdf 0/2: 5 STORE_DATA(262) : Obsolete storage method. type .cont to continue % LOADALLCDF: The following variables can now be plotted using TPLOT: stb_let.EPOCH stb_let.SWVERSION stb_let.CODEOK stb_let.LEAKCONV stb_let.DYTHSTATE stb_let.LIVETIME stb_let.H_UNSEC_FLUX stb_let.HE3_UNSEC_FLUX stb_let.HE4_UNSEC_FLUX stb_let.C_UNSEC_FLUX stb_let.N_UNSEC_FLUX stb_let.O_UNSEC_FLUX stb_let.NE_UNSEC_FLUX stb_let.NA_UNSEC_FLUX stb_let.MG_UNSEC_FLUX stb_let.AL_UNSEC_FLUX stb_let.SI_UNSEC_FLUX stb_let.S_UNSEC_FLUX stb_let.AR_UNSEC_FLUX stb_let.CA_UNSEC_FLUX stb_let.FE_UNSEC_FLUX stb_let.NI_UNSEC_FLUX stb_let.H_UNSEC_CNTS stb_let.HE3_UNSEC_CNTS stb_let.HE4_UNSEC_CNTS stb_let.C_UNSEC_CNTS stb_let.N_UNSEC_CNTS stb_let.O_UNSEC_CNTS stb_let.NE_UNSEC_CNTS stb_let.NA_UNSEC_CNTS stb_let.MG_UNSEC_CNTS stb_let.AL_UNSEC_CNTS stb_let.SI_UNSEC_CNTS stb_let.S_UNSEC_CNTS stb_let.AR_UNSEC_CNTS stb_let.CA_UNSEC_CNTS stb_let.FE_UNSEC_CNTS stb_let.NI_UNSEC_CNTS stb_let.H_LO_SEC_FLUX stb_let.HE3_LO_SEC_FLUX stb_let.HE4_LO_SEC_FLUX stb_let.HE4_HI_SEC_FLUX stb_let.CNO_LO_SEC_FLUX stb_let.CNO_HI_SEC_FLUX stb_let.NEMGSI_LO_SEC_FLUX stb_let.NEMGSI_HI_SEC_FLUX stb_let.FE_LO_SEC_FLUX stb_let.FE_HI_SEC_FLUX stb_let.H_LO_SEC_CNTS stb_let.HE3_LO_SEC_CNTS stb_let.HE4_LO_SEC_CNTS stb_let.HE4_HI_SEC_CNTS stb_let.CNO_LO_SEC_CNTS stb_let.CNO_HI_SEC_CNTS stb_let.NEMGSI_LO_SEC_CNTS stb_let.NEMGSI_HI_SEC_CNTS stb_let.FE_LO_SEC_CNTS stb_let.FE_HI_SEC_CNTS stb_let.HE_UNSEC_FLUX stb_let.HE_UNSEC_CNTS stb_let.HE_LO_SEC_FLUX stb_let.HE_LO_SEC_CNTS stb_let.H_SUMMED_FLUX stb_let.HE3_SUMMED_FLUX stb_let.HE4_SUMMED_FLUX stb_let.HE_SUMMED_FLUX stb_let.C_SUMMED_FLUX stb_let.N_SUMMED_FLUX stb_let.O_SUMMED_FLUX stb_let.NE_SUMMED_FLUX stb_let.NA_SUMMED_FLUX stb_let.MG_SUMMED_FLUX stb_let.AL_SUMMED_FLUX stb_let.SI_SUMMED_FLUX stb_let.S_SUMMED_FLUX stb_let.AR_SUMMED_FLUX stb_let.CA_SUMMED_FLUX stb_let.FE_SUMMED_FLUX stb_let.NI_SUMMED_FLUX stb_let.H_SUMMED_CNTS stb_let.HE3_SUMMED_CNTS stb_let.HE4_SUMMED_CNTS stb_let.HE_SUMMED_CNTS stb_let.C_SUMMED_CNTS stb_let.N_SUMMED_CNTS stb_let.O_SUMMED_CNTS stb_let.NE_SUMMED_CNTS stb_let.NA_SUMMED_CNTS stb_let.MG_SUMMED_CNTS stb_let.AL_SUMMED_CNTS stb_let.SI_SUMMED_CNTS stb_let.S_SUMMED_CNTS stb_let.AR_SUMMED_CNTS stb_let.CA_SUMMED_CNTS stb_let.FE_SUMMED_CNTS stb_let.NI_SUMMED_CNTS stb_let.H_VLO_SEC_FLUX stb_let.H_VLO_SEC_CNTS stb_let.H_HI_SEC_FLUX stb_let.H_HI_SEC_CNTS stb_let.FE_WIDE_SEC_FLUX stb_let.FE_WIDE_SEC_CNTS stb_let.TIME % Compiled module: LOAD_STB_L2_HET. Loading /disks/stereodata/sepdata/HET/Behind/15minute/BeH06Oct.15m % READ_ASCII: File "/disks/stereodata/sepdata/HET/Behind/15minute/BeH06Oct.15m" not found. % Execution halted at: LOAD_STB_L2_HET 68 /home/peters/stereo/idl/ % STB_SUMM_PLOT_SEP 12 /home/peters/stereo/idl/ % $MAIN$ % Program caused arithmetic error: Floating illegal operand % Compiled module: TPLOT_NAMES. % Compiled module: TNAMES. % Compiled module: STRFILTER. 1 STB_SEPT_Spec_E_antisun 2 STB_SEPT_Spec_I_sun 3 STB_SEPT_Spec_E_sun 4 STB_SEPT_Spec_I_antisun 5 STB_SEPT_Spec_E_north 6 STB_SEPT_Spec_I_south 7 STB_SEPT_Spec_E_south 8 STB_SEPT_Spec_I_north 9 stb_let 10 stb_let.EPOCH 11 stb_let.SWVERSION 12 stb_let.CODEOK 13 stb_let.LEAKCONV 14 stb_let.DYTHSTATE 15 stb_let.LIVETIME 16 stb_let.H_UNSEC_FLUX 17 stb_let.HE3_UNSEC_FLUX 18 stb_let.HE4_UNSEC_FLUX 19 stb_let.C_UNSEC_FLUX 20 stb_let.N_UNSEC_FLUX 21 stb_let.O_UNSEC_FLUX 22 stb_let.NE_UNSEC_FLUX 23 stb_let.NA_UNSEC_FLUX 24 stb_let.MG_UNSEC_FLUX 25 stb_let.AL_UNSEC_FLUX 26 stb_let.SI_UNSEC_FLUX 27 stb_let.S_UNSEC_FLUX 28 stb_let.AR_UNSEC_FLUX 29 stb_let.CA_UNSEC_FLUX 30 stb_let.FE_UNSEC_FLUX 31 stb_let.NI_UNSEC_FLUX 32 stb_let.H_UNSEC_CNTS 33 stb_let.HE3_UNSEC_CNTS 34 stb_let.HE4_UNSEC_CNTS 35 stb_let.C_UNSEC_CNTS 36 stb_let.N_UNSEC_CNTS 37 stb_let.O_UNSEC_CNTS 38 stb_let.NE_UNSEC_CNTS 39 stb_let.NA_UNSEC_CNTS 40 stb_let.MG_UNSEC_CNTS 41 stb_let.AL_UNSEC_CNTS 42 stb_let.SI_UNSEC_CNTS 43 stb_let.S_UNSEC_CNTS 44 stb_let.AR_UNSEC_CNTS 45 stb_let.CA_UNSEC_CNTS 46 stb_let.FE_UNSEC_CNTS 47 stb_let.NI_UNSEC_CNTS 48 stb_let.H_LO_SEC_FLUX 49 stb_let.HE3_LO_SEC_FLUX 50 stb_let.HE4_LO_SEC_FLUX 51 stb_let.HE4_HI_SEC_FLUX 52 stb_let.CNO_LO_SEC_FLUX 53 stb_let.CNO_HI_SEC_FLUX 54 stb_let.NEMGSI_LO_SEC_FLUX 55 stb_let.NEMGSI_HI_SEC_FLUX 56 stb_let.FE_LO_SEC_FLUX 57 stb_let.FE_HI_SEC_FLUX 58 stb_let.H_LO_SEC_CNTS 59 stb_let.HE3_LO_SEC_CNTS 60 stb_let.HE4_LO_SEC_CNTS 61 stb_let.HE4_HI_SEC_CNTS 62 stb_let.CNO_LO_SEC_CNTS 63 stb_let.CNO_HI_SEC_CNTS 64 stb_let.NEMGSI_LO_SEC_CNTS 65 stb_let.NEMGSI_HI_SEC_CNTS 66 stb_let.FE_LO_SEC_CNTS 67 stb_let.FE_HI_SEC_CNTS 68 stb_let.HE_UNSEC_FLUX 69 stb_let.HE_UNSEC_CNTS 70 stb_let.HE_LO_SEC_FLUX 71 stb_let.HE_LO_SEC_CNTS 72 stb_let.H_SUMMED_FLUX 73 stb_let.HE3_SUMMED_FLUX 74 stb_let.HE4_SUMMED_FLUX 75 stb_let.HE_SUMMED_FLUX 76 stb_let.C_SUMMED_FLUX 77 stb_let.N_SUMMED_FLUX 78 stb_let.O_SUMMED_FLUX 79 stb_let.NE_SUMMED_FLUX 80 stb_let.NA_SUMMED_FLUX 81 stb_let.MG_SUMMED_FLUX 82 stb_let.AL_SUMMED_FLUX 83 stb_let.SI_SUMMED_FLUX 84 stb_let.S_SUMMED_FLUX 85 stb_let.AR_SUMMED_FLUX 86 stb_let.CA_SUMMED_FLUX 87 stb_let.FE_SUMMED_FLUX 88 stb_let.NI_SUMMED_FLUX 89 stb_let.H_SUMMED_CNTS 90 stb_let.HE3_SUMMED_CNTS 91 stb_let.HE4_SUMMED_CNTS 92 stb_let.HE_SUMMED_CNTS 93 stb_let.C_SUMMED_CNTS 94 stb_let.N_SUMMED_CNTS 95 stb_let.O_SUMMED_CNTS 96 stb_let.NE_SUMMED_CNTS 97 stb_let.NA_SUMMED_CNTS 98 stb_let.MG_SUMMED_CNTS 99 stb_let.AL_SUMMED_CNTS 100 stb_let.SI_SUMMED_CNTS 101 stb_let.S_SUMMED_CNTS 102 stb_let.AR_SUMMED_CNTS 103 stb_let.CA_SUMMED_CNTS 104 stb_let.FE_SUMMED_CNTS 105 stb_let.NI_SUMMED_CNTS 106 stb_let.H_VLO_SEC_FLUX 107 stb_let.H_VLO_SEC_CNTS 108 stb_let.H_HI_SEC_FLUX 109 stb_let.H_HI_SEC_CNTS 110 stb_let.FE_WIDE_SEC_FLUX 111 stb_let.FE_WIDE_SEC_CNTS 112 stb_let_H_UNSEC_FLUX 1/1: 4 STORE_DATA(104) : Deleted 112 variables