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Positions of STEREO A and B for 2007-06-21 04:19 UT

                                STEREO-B           Earth        STEREO-A

Heliocentric distance (AU)      1.075276        1.016232        0.957289
Semidiameter (arcsec)            892.448         944.300        1002.444

HCI longitude                    188.222         193.481         202.220
HCI latitude                       0.760           1.700           2.868

Carrington longitude             354.710         359.968           8.708
Carrington rotation number      2058.015        2058.000        2057.976

Heliographic (HEEQ) longitude     -5.258           0.000           8.740
Heliographic (HEEQ) latitude       0.760           1.700           2.868

HAE longitude                    264.018         269.351         278.161

Earth Ecliptic (HEE) longitude    -5.333           0.000           8.810
Earth Ecliptic (HEE) latitude     -0.282          -0.000           0.111

Roll from ecliptic north          -3.014                          -0.718
Roll from solar north            -10.191                          -7.428

Light travel time to Earth (min)           0.947           1.352

Separation angle with Earth                5.341           8.810
Separation angle A with B                         14.148

Date: Time: : UTC

Field-of-view: Automatic Inner solar system (Mars) Outer solar system (Saturn)

Options: Ulysses Messenger Parker spiral

Background: Black White

Last Revised: Tuesday, 17-Mar-2009 16:29:50 EDT
Responsible NASA Official: Joseph B. Gurman
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