stty: : No such device or address Wed Jun 5 17:54:32 PDT 2013 IDL Version 6.4.1, Solaris (sunos sparc m64). (c) 2007, ITT Visual Information Solutions Installation number: 209287-1. Licensed for use by: UC Berkeley 1 $MAIN$(0) : 0/2: 1 $MAIN$(0) : % DEVICE: Unable to connect to X Windows display: = % DEVICE: Unable to open X Windows display. Is your DISPLAY environment variable set correctly? % Execution halted at: INIT_DEVICES 52 /disks/socware/idl/ssl_general/misc/system/ % $MAIN$ 1/2: 3 CWD(25) : Directory changed to: /disks/stereo/home/www/html/solarimgs/carr_rot % Error opening file. File: /home/peters/stereo/idl_test/sta_summ_plot_spec % Compiled module: TIMESPAN. % Compiled module: TIME_DOUBLE. % Compiled module: TIME_STRUCT. % Compiled module: TIME_STRING. % Compiled module: DAY_TO_YEAR_DOY. % Compiled module: DOY_TO_MONTH_DATE. 2/2: 3 TIMESPAN(53) : Time range set from 2013-03-21/11:54:00 to 2013-04-17/18:42:00 % Compiled module: STA_SUMM_PLOT_SPEC. % Compiled module: GET_TIMESPAN. % Compiled module: LOAD_STA_L1_MAG. % Compiled module: LOADALLCDF. % Routine compiled from an obsolete library: LOADALLCDF % Compiled module: CDF_FILE_NAMES. % Compiled module: TIMERANGE. % Compiled module: SETFILEENV. Searching for files in: pathname=' /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/mag/RTN/????/??/STA_L1_MAG_*.cdf' CDF_FILE_NAMES: 11 of 2337 Files found in 2.3205850 seconds % Compiled module: LOADCDFSTR. % Compiled module: DATA_TYPE. % Routine compiled from an obsolete library: DATA_TYPE % Loaded DLM: CDF. Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/mag/RTN/2013/03/STA_L1_MAG_RTN_20130321_V06.cdf % Compiled module: CDF_INFO. % Compiled module: CDF_VAR_ATTS. % Compiled module: STRSPLIT. % Compiled module: ARRAY_UNION. % Compiled module: LOADCDF2. % Routine compiled from an obsolete library: LOADCDF2 % Compiled module: NDIMEN. dtype = data_type(d0,/struct) ^ % Routine compiled from an obsolete library: DATA_TYPE At: /disks/socware/idl/ssl_general/misc/, Line 5 dtype = data_type(d,/struct) ^ % Routine compiled from an obsolete library: DATA_TYPE At: /disks/socware/idl/ssl_general/misc/, Line 18 % Compiled module: AVERAGE_STR. % Compiled module: AVERAGE. % Compiled module: DIMEN. % Compiled module: APPEND_ARRAY. Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/mag/RTN/2013/03/STA_L1_MAG_RTN_20130322_V06.cdf Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/mag/RTN/2013/03/STA_L1_MAG_RTN_20130323_V06.cdf Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/mag/RTN/2013/03/STA_L1_MAG_RTN_20130324_V06.cdf Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/mag/RTN/2013/03/STA_L1_MAG_RTN_20130325_V06.cdf Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/mag/RTN/2013/03/STA_L1_MAG_RTN_20130326_V06.cdf Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/mag/RTN/2013/03/STA_L1_MAG_RTN_20130327_V06.cdf Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/mag/RTN/2013/03/STA_L1_MAG_RTN_20130328_V06.cdf Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/mag/RTN/2013/03/STA_L1_MAG_RTN_20130329_V06.cdf Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/mag/RTN/2013/03/STA_L1_MAG_RTN_20130330_V06.cdf Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/mag/RTN/2013/03/STA_L1_MAG_RTN_20130331_V06.cdf % Compiled module: STORE_DATA. % Compiled module: TPLOT_QUANT__DEFINE. % Program caused arithmetic error: Floating illegal operand % Compiled module: PTR_EXTRACT. % Compiled module: EXTRACT_TAGS. % Compiled module: DIMEN1. % Compiled module: MINMAX. % Compiled module: XYZ_TO_POLAR. % Compiled module: TNAMES. % Compiled module: STRFILTER. % Compiled module: GET_DATA. % Compiled module: FIND_HANDLE. % Compiled module: CART_TO_SPHERE. % Compiled module: OPTIONS. % Compiled module: YLIM. novardata = novardata ^ % Routine compiled from an obsolete library: LOADALLCDF At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 52 cdfnames=cdfnames,data=d,res =res, novardata = novardata ^ % Routine compiled from an obsolete library: LOADALLCDF At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 68 % Compiled module: LOAD_STA_L1_SWEADIST. This is a SWEA V02 file Searching for files in: pathname=' /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/swea/????/??/STA_L1_SWEA_DIST_*V02.cdf' CDF_FILE_NAMES: 11 of 2347 Files found in 3.3121462 seconds Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/swea/2013/03/STA_L1_SWEA_DIST_20130321_V02.cdf % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/swea/2013/03/STA_L1_SWEA_DIST_20130322_V02.cdf % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/swea/2013/03/STA_L1_SWEA_DIST_20130323_V02.cdf % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/swea/2013/03/STA_L1_SWEA_DIST_20130324_V02.cdf % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/swea/2013/03/STA_L1_SWEA_DIST_20130325_V02.cdf % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/swea/2013/03/STA_L1_SWEA_DIST_20130326_V02.cdf % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/swea/2013/03/STA_L1_SWEA_DIST_20130327_V02.cdf % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/swea/2013/03/STA_L1_SWEA_DIST_20130328_V02.cdf % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/swea/2013/03/STA_L1_SWEA_DIST_20130329_V02.cdf % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/swea/2013/03/STA_L1_SWEA_DIST_20130330_V02.cdf % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. Loading /disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/swea/2013/03/STA_L1_SWEA_DIST_20130331_V02.cdf % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. % CDF_VARGET: Warning: converting signed bytes to signed ints. novarnames=novarnames,novard=nd,time_range=trange,res=res ^ % Routine compiled from an obsolete library: LOADALLCDF At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 46 if data_type(prefix) eq 7 then px=prefix else px = 'sta_sweapd' ^ % Routine compiled from an obsolete library: DATA_TYPE At: /home/peters/stereo/idl/, Line 48 % Compiled module: LOAD_STA_L2_SWEAPAD. Searching for files in: pathname=' /disks/stereo/home/www/html/peters/swea_pads/STA_L2_SWEA_PAD_*.cdf' CDF_FILE_NAMES: 11 of 2280 Files found in 2.6438770 seconds Loading /disks/stereo/home/www/html/peters/swea_pads/STA_L2_SWEA_PAD_20130321_V04.cdf % Compiled module: DIMEN_SHIFT. Loading /disks/stereo/home/www/html/peters/swea_pads/STA_L2_SWEA_PAD_20130322_V04.cdf Loading /disks/stereo/home/www/html/peters/swea_pads/STA_L2_SWEA_PAD_20130323_V04.cdf Loading /disks/stereo/home/www/html/peters/swea_pads/STA_L2_SWEA_PAD_20130324_V04.cdf Loading /disks/stereo/home/www/html/peters/swea_pads/STA_L2_SWEA_PAD_20130325_V04.cdf Loading /disks/stereo/home/www/html/peters/swea_pads/STA_L2_SWEA_PAD_20130326_V04.cdf Loading /disks/stereo/home/www/html/peters/swea_pads/STA_L2_SWEA_PAD_20130327_V04.cdf Loading /disks/stereo/home/www/html/peters/swea_pads/STA_L2_SWEA_PAD_20130328_V04.cdf Loading /disks/stereo/home/www/html/peters/swea_pads/STA_L2_SWEA_PAD_20130329_V04.cdf Loading /disks/stereo/home/www/html/peters/swea_pads/STA_L2_SWEA_PAD_20130330_V04.cdf Loading /disks/stereo/home/www/html/peters/swea_pads/STA_L2_SWEA_PAD_20130331_V04.cdf % Compiled module: REDUCE_DIMEN. % Compiled module: ZLIM. 0/2: 5 OPTIONS(83) : No TPLOT names found that match: sta_ste_D0 0/2: 5 OPTIONS(83) : No TPLOT names found that match: sta_ste_D0 % LOADCT: Loading table Rainbow % Compiled module: TPLOT. % Compiled module: PLOT_POSITIONS. % Compiled module: TIME_TICKS. % Compiled module: UNDEFINED. % Compiled module: BOX. 1/1: 4 TPLOT(482) : 5 sweaspec % Compiled module: STRUCT_VALUE. % Compiled module: SPECPLOT. % Compiled module: INTERP. % Compiled module: REVERSE. % Compiled module: BYTESCALE. % Compiled module: DRAW_COLOR_SCALE. 1/1: 4 TPLOT(482) : 9 sta_sweapd-1-2:2 % Compiled module: DIMEN2. 1/1: 4 TPLOT(482) : 11 sta_sweapd-1-4:4 1/1: 4 TPLOT(482) : 35 B_R % Compiled module: MPLOT. 1/1: 4 TPLOT(482) : 36 B_T 1/1: 4 TPLOT(482) : 37 B_N 1/1: 4 TPLOT(482) : 2 sta_B_RTN_mag % Compiled module: TIME_STAMP. % Compiled module: MAKEGIF. % Compiled module: WI. 0/2: 5 WI(25) : Device has no windows! % Loaded DLM: PNG. % Compiled module: WRITE_GIF. % Loaded DLM: GIF. % Program caused arithmetic error: Floating divide by 0 % Program caused arithmetic error: Floating illegal operand % Compiled module: TPLOT_NAMES. 1 sta_B_RTN 2 sta_B_RTN_mag 3 sta_B_RTN_th 4 sta_B_RTN_phi 5 sweaspec 6 sta_sweapd 7 sta_sweapd-1-0:0 8 sta_sweapd-1-1:1 9 sta_sweapd-1-2:2 10 sta_sweapd-1-3:3 11 sta_sweapd-1-4:4 12 sta_sweapd-1-5:5 13 sta_sweapd-1-6:6 14 sta_sweapd-1-7:7 15 sta_sweapd-1-8:8 16 sta_sweapd-1-9:9 17 sta_sweapd-1-10:10 18 sta_sweapd-1-11:11 19 sta_sweapd-1-12:12 20 sta_sweapd-1-13:13 21 sta_sweapd-1-14:14 22 sta_sweapd-1-15:15 23 sta_sweapd-2-0:0 24 sta_sweapd-2-1:1 25 sta_sweapd-2-2:2 26 sta_sweapd-2-3:3 27 sta_sweapd-2-4:4 28 sta_sweapd-2-5:5 29 sta_sweapd-2-6:6 30 sta_sweapd-2-7:7 31 sta_sweapd-2-8:8 32 sta_sweapd-2-9:9 33 sta_sweapd-2-10:10 34 sta_sweapd-2-11:11 35 B_R 36 B_T 37 B_N 1/1: 3 STORE_DATA(104) : Deleted 37 variables