var line_count = 0; var n_lines = 31;//CHANGE THIS VALUE TO MATCH THE NUMBER OF LINES YOU WANT TO SHOW line_items = new Array( "Our Level 1 files are in the CDF format.", "click here for CDF format Documentation.", "click here for an on line CDF file translator.", "", "Data is currently released for the following instruments and dates:", "SWEA (3D Distributions) - through Apr 30, 2008", "LET - through Jan 31, 2008", "SEPT - through Jan 31, 2008", "MAG - through Jan 31, 2008 - ASCII data is available here. (for CDF use first two links above)", "STE - through Apr 30, 2008", "SWEA (moments, PADs) - to be released soon", "HET - through Sep 30,2007", "SIT - from Mar 15, 2007 through Feb 21, 2008", "SWEA PADs - from Dec 1, 2006 through Apr 30, 2008", "", "DATA CAVEATS", "Right now, all calibrations should be considered preliminary. Check this website", "often for updates to these data files.", "", "Caveats regarding specific data sets:", "LET - Caveats are discussed here.", "SEPT - Caveats are discussed here.","SIT - Caveats are discussed here. Please be sure to use V06 or higher SEPT data files. SEPT data files in earlier versions had incorrect times.", "MAG - The MAG X sensor on the Ahead spacecraft experiences occasional glitches of", " about 1/2 nT. These glitches are extremely fast (duration of a small fraction", " of a second. The cause of the glitches is currently not understood and will be", " corrected in a future data release.", "STE - Data are in counts, but IDL routines in our IMPACT SPEDAS library extensions", " are available for converting to physical units.", "Details on the STE instrument can be found here.", "" ) while (line_count < n_lines){ // equals the # of line_items document.write(line_items[line_count]+"
"); line_count++; }